Paranormal Musings #1 – Hide and Seek Alone

Hide and Seek Alone.

This is the first in a series were we look at videos from the net and tear them apart to see if they are real or not.

This episode, we take a look at this bizarre game where a spirit is summoned into a doll and then engages in a bizarre game of hide and seek…

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Shouldn’t I be taller or the incredible shrinking man

tape measures
Photo by patricia serna on Unsplash

You can be anything you want…

I remember back in the early 90s, I felt I was too short.

Everyone seemed to be taller than me and I was starkly aware of it.

What was more, I was repeatedly told that women did not find me attractive because they were looking for someone taller. (Gosh, nothing shallow about that, right?)

I bring this up because back in early 90s, me and a friend of mine were discussing Taoism. He had done an intensive course on it and had been told that you could manifest anything you wanted.

So I decided that if anything could be manifested, I was going to manifest being taller.

At the time I was five feet five and a half inches (or 167 centimeters). I put the energy towards making it happen, and then forgot about it. In the back of my mind, I didn’t really believe I could really become taller.

As the years went on, I one day noticed that I no longer felt short. I was the same size as I always was, but it no longer was an issue. I didn’t feel or look short anymore.

I’m not sure if this was a result of setting the intention of being taller that my reality shifted to where my height did not matter, but I found it of interest anyway.

Now the above alone does not make much of an interesting entry, but something happened in April 2017 that I was unable to explain. Continue reading “Shouldn’t I be taller or the incredible shrinking man”

Do we need to earn the right to be loved?

Landmark Park - Dothan AL

“I feel like I’m not worthy of being loved.”

Have you ever heard someone say this? Have you ever said it to yourself or to another?

This perception that you need to be worthy of love is more widespread than you might think.

It seems that many are of the belief that in order to receive love, be loved or find someone worthy of love; we, ourselves have to earn that right.

We have to prove we are worthy. We have to demonstrate, not only to ourselves and others, but to God, the universe, Source, or whatever you’ve chosen to call it, that you have earned the right to be loved.

And then there is the question: What constitute as being worthy in the first place?

Is there something we need to do? Lives we must save? Some mighty and great deed that we feel we are tasked with?

Are we even capable of such deeds? Continue reading “Do we need to earn the right to be loved?”

The Great North American Solar Eclipse – The Aftermath.

Map of solar eclipse

I just happened to be around.

I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones who has experienced a total solar eclipse in this lifetime. It was back in 1976 and in my hometown of Melbourne, Australia.

Personally, I never expected to see another one, partial or otherwise, but circumstances had led me to Alabama in the USA where I happened to be staying with a dear friend.

And on August 21st of 2017, while we weren’t in the path of the total eclipse, we were close enough to experience most of it.

Another dear friend was in Oregon and in the path of totality and as she posted photos as the event began, I felt this overwhelming energy that I had not felt the likes of before.


Over the years, I’ve become much more sensitive to what is going on out there and this hit me like a tsunami wave sweeping over me.

The energy was a mixed bag. First there was the excitement and the joy that comes with such an experience. But I also sensed strong under currents.

Within a few hours, what began as exciting strong energy had dropped like a drug user coming down off an amazing high.

I could not sleep till 4:30 am that night.  The energy was just too strong. It was also unpleasant. It felt like I was in a void of sorts.

Many people reported feeling the same type of sensations. Continue reading “The Great North American Solar Eclipse – The Aftermath.”

Bach Flower’s Rescue Remedy ™- Why it may not work.

Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy

If it’s so amazing…

The most famous of the Bach Flower Remedies is called The Rescue Remedy ™. It’s what is mostly seen at health food stores and pharmacies.  As that name is trademarked, it is also referred to as the Five Flower Formula.

It’s also what many use as a benchmark for whether the remedies actually work or not.

Studies have been done on this product and the conclusions are generally that it is a placebo.

The problem with such studies is that those conducting the trials didn’t have a clue what they were doing.

Rescue Remedy is an emergency formula, so unless the circumstances are right, there simply would be no real benefit.

What does it actually do?

But why is this? In order to understand, let’s take a look at what makes up the Rescue Remedy ™.

Star of Bethlehem

This is one of the most important components of this mix. Ironically, it suffers because it’s part of it.

This is the remedy for clearing shock and trauma.  When taken on its own, it can work miracles. I’ve seen it cure clinical depression literally overnight.  The problem is, it must be taken by itself for the full effects to be felt.

In this mix it’s useful for when you’ve had an accident, a shock or bad news. Continue reading “Bach Flower’s Rescue Remedy ™- Why it may not work.”