Empath Series – Psychic attacks. Types of attacks or what the heck is low level?

Practical Psychic Self-Defense

Types of psychic attacks – Part 1

Psychic attacks come in many forms.

A wonderful example was on my comments page for the first entry in this series. It was seen for what it was, though. Seems that something doesn’t like me putting this information out there!

Generally, you can identify them when things go wrong in ‘clumps’ or events happen that shouldn’t occur, especially when it’s the worst possible timing.

If the attack is being done by another person, the attacks can be quite severe.

Around 2004, for instance, a friend of mine (now departed) told me that things had been going wrong for her for a while. From what I could tell, she was certainly under attack as the things she described were classic signs.

At times, I can normally track the source, especially if I’m keeping an eye on things. We discussed what might be behind it, and I asked her about a certain person who I knew was very dangerous. She told me that she had told him that she didn’t like him (he was actually hitting on her) and he, of course, took offence to it. She showed me the log, and said that things started to go wrong right after that incident.

I was able to put a block on the attacks, and things returned to normal right away for her.

As it went, this particular person seemed to target all my friends, and has even given me a run for me money several times.

Was he doing it deliberately? Yes, he actually was. I had verification over the years that he knew what he was going, and all my warnings about him to my friend have been vindicated.

Once you know the source, it makes it much easier to deal with the attacks and block them. I still keep an eye on him today, but unfortunately, he is not the only one of his group that does this, so it can be challenging at times.

Whether the attack comes from someone in the flesh, or from the astral level, there are certain kinds to be aware of.

I’ve put them into categories or levels. (Oddly enough, I don’t know what they mean, as some of this information was channelled by my guide!)

They are:

·         Personal Attack on the Physical Body (low level)

This can take the form of aches, pains, stomach aches, cramps, etc. I’ve had instances where it felt like I was having a heart attack, which is also a symptoms described by others who knew they were under attack.

·         Attack on the Mental Body (Medium level)

This is where you psyche is directly attacked. You might feel emotions such as guilt, hatred, jealousy, envy, depression, fear, etc. That being said, an attack always targets your weakest point. This gives you an opportunity to identify what areas you need to work on within yourself. Once you can identify the point, you can work to heal it, and the attack will cease.

·         Attack on the Spiritual Body. (High level)

The temptation or the pressure to do things you normally won’t do such an illegal or immoral activities, or the feeling to do something take bad risks or do something dangerous that you normally wouldn’t do. Sexual adventures are a typical example, especially the temptation to put yourself into dangerous situations.

Next: Part two 

Empath Series – Psychic attacks. Hitchhikers or I don’t recall inviting you in.

HItchhiking spider
Drawing by Mari

Back in 1999, I was with my then wife and  her 12 year old daughter in our kitchen when I noticed something small and black flash in the air about a foot from my stomach. I only caught a glimpse of it and it was gone. It wasn’t a fly or any kind of flying bug and we had the lights on, so the area was well lit.

Every few minutes or so, I’d catch another glimpse of it and on the third or forth time, I said out loud: What is that?!

My wife said:  What?

But my step daughter said: There’s something black spinning around dad.

She described it as a spider.

I was somewhat surprised that she saw what I saw, and even more surprised how nonchalant she was about it. However, it did validate what I was seeing, and that it wasn’t just a trick of the light, or my imagination.

Still, I had no clue what it was, and the black thing disappeared pretty much afterwards.

I tried to find out what it was, but didn’t get very far. In fact, one lovely chap used it as an excuse to attack me on my spirituality. (Haters gotta hate I guess.)

It wasn’t until 2004 that I discovered more information.  I had met a psychic in a spiritual chat room. She saw me for who I was, and recognized my energies, which was rare back in those days. (As it was, I was being set up for a major attack, but that’s another story, perhaps for another time.)

So I connected with her, and discovered that she was one of the most psychic people I had met to date.

She was able to look at my aura from another country (you might call it remote viewing) and she saw that several large black entities had made their home in my body. They were spider like with long hooked tentacles which wrapped and hooked around my body.

During an evening session over the phone, she worked to remove the parasite by covering it in a sparkly golden aura, lifting it gently and dropping it onto another sparkling golden layer. She made sure she got every part as she said that any part left behind would just grow again. She then asked for her guides to remove the parasite.

This lady also had awakened me to my powers, and I realized that everything I had experienced and done was not just fantasy, but actually real.  So from then on, I used my abilities, and trusted what I saw.

Looking at my own aura, I found that I carried many of these hitch hikers and by going within, I was able to gain a visual to what was there.  I was able to use a spiritual sword to remove these entities. Each time I removed a piece, I felt my body convulse in what can only be described as a kind of sick shock. It was the sensation of metallic apple juice which had gone off leaving my body.

The interesting thing was that after I had removed everything I could, I felt much lighter and people reacted to me in a very different and positive way.

I call these entities hitchhikers. I have not yet quite fathomed what their purpose is though I do know they can and do affect your energies and can cause corruption. I theorize that being such as these may make you more susceptible to astral attacks.

Maybe they are just parasites, and need to feed off energies.

I remember one time; the left side of my stomach was hurting. I looked and saw a large black hitch hiker in the area. I removed it and was amazed to feel the pain dissipate right away.

Another incident that happened was when a friend was complaining of back ache. She was in the USA so I took a look using remote viewing. I saw a large black spider covering the length of her back. I asked her to look without telling her any details and she told me she saw a spider. I removed it and she confirmed she felt the difference without me saying anything to her when I had done it.

She wondered if she had picked it up while she mind travelled through space while she was at work, as she used this method to keep herself from getting bored.

I decided I’d ask the lady who had removed my hitch hikers about it. She knew about the astral spiders and said that they normally got picked up when you mind travel through space.  As I hadn’t mentioned any details, this was a good confirmation. She also told me that these spiders tend to lay astral eggs in their host.

On a final note, I’ve noticed that in the past, people would exorcise bad spirits by making a ‘te te te’ sound.  This sound, when done properly and with the intention of trying to expel something from within, produces the same sensation (and sound) that I described while removing the entities with my spiritual sword. That leads me to conclude that even though it may have been forgotten, that was the original purpose behind that ritual.

Next: Types of psychic attacks.

Empath Series: Psychic attacks or why am I feeling so drained?

This particular topic might well come across as controversial, (though, by now, you’ve probably come to expect that from me) but those who have experienced it will tell you that they are real, and those who haven’t will more than likely scoff.

The subject is psychic attacks, and, like Empaths, sounds like something lifted out of either fantasy, or the horror genre.

However, let me assure you that they are real.

But what is a psychic attack?

In a nutshell, it’s an attack on a psychic level that attacks your weakest points. Supposing, for instance, you feel guilty about some action you have taken, the psychic attack will magnify that feeling to the point where you will bring your life to a standstill.

The key to stopping the attack is identifying the source, and the source can either be human, or something on the astral levels.

If the source is human, it’s often done with deliberation. As surprising as it may seem, the attacker knows exactly what they are doing, and they are doing it maliciously.

Due to the work that I do, and the reasons I am here, I’ve made some people rather upset, and I have certainly experienced attacks on me. These entries will not be about those attacks, though.

On the astral levels, the kind of beings that attack you may be negative entities that sees you as a threat, or negative astral beings that uses the negative energy generated to feed themselves.

This is a topic that all Empaths, and especially those who consider themselves Light-workers, should be aware of.

Psychic attacks lead to energy drains, depression, exhaustion, and a sense of hopelessness that there is no point to anything.

Do not be spooked by them, though. As devastating as they can be,  and as scary as they sound, they can be dealt with, and they are also amazing opportunities for growth and identifying your weak spots that you may wish to work on.

This series will take a look at what types of attacks there are and what you can do about them.

Next: Emergu Hitchhikers.


Creating our reality series: Final thoughts or can we move onto something else now?

Al Hirschfeld Theatre, view to the stage 302 W...

Still with me? Thanks for coming this far. I started off with my experience on shifting time lines, and ended up with re-creating reality. Oddly enough, a direction I was not expecting.

So, to finish this off, here are some final thoughts on the subject of belief systems.

It is one thing to create a new belief system. It is another not to sabotage it.

When you begin to create something, you will discover that events will occur which might leave you confused.

People and things will come in and out of your life. Some events may seem like tragedies at the time, but are actually blessings in disguise. (Though you will not see that unless you understand what is going on, or look at it in retrospect.) Remember, the master always blesses those things that happen because they know there is a great gift contained within.

Trust your intuition. It is your guide. It will tell you to do one thing, and your logic, and sense of status quo will scream at you to ignore it. Don’t let fear stop you. If it feels right, do it. The results may not always be immediately  apparent, but remember, we can’t see the forest for the trees, but your intuition can.

Do not resist change. Changing your belief system and then resisting the synchronicities that come your way is a recipe for frustration and misery.

When I created my new belief system, some crazy things happened, and I did things that made people think I had lost my mind.

But I did them anyway, because I had finally learned by that point to trust my intuition, and I did what felt right, even if it looked wrong.

I kept alert for signs and synchronicities and followed them at every turn. My personal life has been amazing because of it.

Every decision I made by this process ended up being the exact one I needed to make at the exact right time and even though there were times when I was going through traumatic shifts, they had to happen so I could come to where I am now.

Without them, I’d still be stuck where I was back in 1995.

Changing your belief system is not easy the first time you do it. There is the tendency to fall into old patterns, play the victim card and enter into a poor me drama, especially when you are just about to make a major shift.

It can also be extremely traumatic.

The reason for this is because when you choose something new, all the things that are no longer needed fall away, and all the things that are needed come into your life. Change can be traumatic.

I got through it because of the Bach Flower Remedies (and yes, I will eventually get onto them!)

But is it worth it?

Gosh yes!

Every one of those points I made in my own belief system came true. All the negative beliefs that I had are no longer present in my life.

According to my guides, I’ve shifted time-lines quite a few times. Some memories feel very unreal to me now, like they were more a dream than something that actually happened. They shifted because I kept on my path with a single minded tenacity. Most of the shifts are very subtle but every so often something will come up that makes me think: Didn’t I hear that this person died? (But he’s still alive.)

Shifting does occur because every time you move to a new level, the reality around you has to change to accommodate that.

And for those who are reading this blog before the earlier ones, I discuss my experiences on this subject in great detail.

Now, you may well get negative thoughts, or situations come up when you change your belief system.

This is because when you declare yourself to be something, everything unlike it comes into your life in order to give you that experience of being what you have chosen to be.

Remember, you cannot know light if all there is, is light.

What do you do about it, though?

There is a wisdom that states: What you resist persists, and what you look at and make your own disappears.

I have found this to be true.

When you resist something, you give it energy and acknowledge its presence in your reality. By embracing it, you accept it as a part of your energies, and the situation tends to vanish.

Whenever you come across something you do not want or you do not like, always thank it and bless it. Either send it on its way or state that it is welcome to join you, as long as it’s from a place of love, or for the highest good.

Yes, sounds new-agey and simplistic, but I’ve seen just about everything shift by doing this.

Also, if you get a negative thought that you do not like, simply state: I do not choose that outcome.

Finally, and most importantly, when changing your belief system, make sure that everything you do is in line with it.

It is said: Be the change you wish to see, and that is very true. When you are that change, all that is around you will start to conform.

It may take a little time, depending on how proficient you are at it, but never give up and don’t give in. Keep on choosing the same thing over and over, and don’t let self-doubts, or naysayers discourage you.

Remember, you are powerful. Don’t give your power away to others. If no one can make you a better offer for your reality, then create your own.

Creating our reality series: Many belief systems or I thought I was done already!

Español: Patron del Conocimiento Pa Kua o Pa-k...

So, you’ve created your belief system. You’ve written it down and have decided that this is what you want.

Now here comes an interesting thing and I note that I’ve yet to see this mentioned anywhere else.

You have more than one belief system.

Those who read my last entry may well have picked up on that.

There are actually belief systems for everything.

Some examples are:

  • Your religious beliefs
  • Your spiritual beliefs
  • Your beliefs about money.
  • Your physical world beliefs
  • Your belief about your health. (Including that fact we age and die.)
  • Your relationship beliefs
  • Your political beliefs
  • Your economical beliefs
  • Your belief about friendship
  • Your belief about family
  • Your professional beliefs
  • Your sexual beliefs
  • Your beliefs about music

And so on.

In fact, there probably is no limit to how much you can micro-manage your belief system.

If you find that an area in your life is not working for you, redefine it.

Belief systems are the key to creating a joy filled and prosperous life.

Your life is a canvas. Paint a new portrait.

Know that once you do that, you put forces into motion that will make it happen.

The universe never says ‘no’ to your idea about yourself, even if that idea may  be self-destructive.

It also can’t take a joke so be very careful what you wish for because what you put out there on every level is what you end up experiencing.

Free will allows that, but remember there are natural consequences to our actions.

Taoism gives three simple rules to live by.

  • Be humble
  • Be kind
  • Be thrifty.

I would also add:

  • See everyone as an extension of who you are
  • Know that people who wish to hurt you do so out of fear and do not remember who they really are.
  • Make anything you do benefit all. Always chose a win / win scenario and if none exist, call it forth.

You can’t force people to change around you, but you can change your energies, and attract exactly what is needed to make your life the reality you wish it to be.

Next: Final thoughts.

Creating our reality series: My personal belief system or I’ve finally had enough of failing!

the fact factory [website link]

I’ve spoken a lot about changing your reality, but so far, I’ve not really provided any examples.

So let me share with you my own experiences.

I’ve previously spoken about my dark night of the soul period, which was a very hard and traumatic period of time. This occurred back in 1994, and it was the breaking of old belief systems and the embracing of a new one.

And with the embracing of a new belief system, you would think that everything from then on in would go smoothly.

Not the case.

In fact, all that changed was my spiritual belief system.

However, this did not affect my real life  belief system of my physical world.

On that level, nothing actually changed.

Yes, I was trusting my intuition now, and I was following a path that I was meant to be on, but my belief system of how people treated me and the outcomes had not changed.

There was no reason for it to as all I had done was experience the cycle of rejection time and time again, and deep down, I was convinced that nothing would change.

And so it didn’t. In fact, it was only a few months later, in 1995, where things fell apart, yet again, (and as usual over a lady I was attracted to!) that I had decided I had had enough.

Intuition and synchronicity had led me to the information what I needed to change my 3D belief system, and I was now more than ready to try it.

What follows is taking directly from my diaries from February 1995, and it is very personal, but I publish it in the hope that it may help others who are where I was at.

What’s really been impressed upon me over the last few years and especially over the last few days is that we each make our own reality. We each, by the powers of our mind, shape and form what we believe is going to happen.

What is my reality? Because until I know what I really perceive, I shall keep on going through the same things over and over again. What is my reality?

My belief system.

  • I believe that life is full of strive.
  • I believe that people will always let you down
  • I believe that I will fail in the short term, though ultimately I shall succeed.
  • I believe that when things are going well, misery comes from nowhere to shatter the calm.
  • I believe that life is really a bitch and you just can’t fight it.
  • I believe that I can’t change my reality.
  • I believe that no matter what I try, I shall always fail with women.

What a negative belief system. How horrible and unrealistic. I wrote all that without even thinking about it.

Let’s see what positives I can come up with.

  • I believe that I truly have the power to change things. (But I can’t access the power to do so.)
  • I believe that this may be my last incarnation on earth. (But I could be wrong.)
  • I believe that I’ll never have any money problems.
  • I believe that I can fix up any problem in my body.
  • I believe that I can make a difference.
  • I believe that everything has its purpose and timing.

Now, here’s the catch. This last belief is what really holds me back. Subconsciously, if I fail, I simply use the reasoning that it wasn’t meant to be. Now, perhaps this is the illusion. The only thing that wasn’t meant to be was the fact that I didn’t perceive what could be. (I think this is getting complicated.)

In short; my reality stinks. It is negative and almost self-destructive. This is truly a world of illusion. I make the realities and it’s about time I set down some real belief systems.

  • Fact: I can protect myself and others.
  • Fact: Everything always turns out alright in the end, even when it doesn’t appear to be that way.
  • Fact: I am a true power. I have held myself back for too many years. I’ve been scared, lazy, worried, and just plain afraid that I could not do this.
  • Everything I expect tends to happen to me.
  • I expected that this current transformation would be difficult. It has been.
  • I expect that everyone will let me down eventually. They have.
  • I expect all the wrong bloody things.




Everybody, no matter who it is, will do what is right by me. No matter what their intent is, they will have no choice but to do right by me. If they try to do the wrong thing, then they will find that they will be compelled to do the right thing. They will do this because this is now my belief.

I have now released enough of the traumas and negatives in my life to become the light I can be. People will now want to be with me. People will now want to have me around. People will not be able to deny me because I will make them happy and help and enlighten them.

I am no longer unlucky in love, friendship or relationship. This is because I am pleasure to be around. In fact, far from being unable to find the right partner, I will be surrounded by the right people. This is now my reality. I shall have choice. I shall be able to pick and choose. Those who will not become my partners will become my friends.

I can really make a difference to this world. And I shall make a difference. This is so because this is now my belief.

I am a being of light, love and harmony.

I am no longer unhappy. All that happens to me now is positive and uplifting. If something bad happens, I have the answers and the solutions and the way of implementing them. They will come to me and I am able to solve any problem. There are no more problems, only solutions. This is so because this is my belief.

I am now able to develop spiritually and metaphysically. There are no more blockages. The more I learn, the more powerful I become. All my powers are used in the service of the universe and to help people grow and bring them out of the illusion and darkness. This is happening now because this is my reality.



I printed it out, read it over and over for a few weeks and then one day… everyone on that list was a reality and has become more ever since.

Did it work?

Yes. Maybe just a little too well. I got everything I asked for.

Next:  Think you were done? Think again.