Empath Series – Psychic attacks. More ways to ward off attacks or should I pay for help?

This picture depicts the seven major Chakras w...

Psychic defense. Final thoughts.


One of the things I’ve noticed with people who are under psychic attack is that their chakras (the body’s energy centres) are way too open.

When a chakra is in that state, too much energy flows in and it can be overwhelming. The high level empath will often be vulnerable because their third eye will be over active and I believe our empathic powers come from that chakra.

You can balance your chakras, and adjust them by visualizing a lotus flower turning anti-clockwise with the petals closing.

I won’t get into the details here, but there are website that are dedicated to how to do this, complete with what colours to use, and what sounds resonate with the chakras.


Burning white sage is said to be very effective at clearing negative energies. This is called smudging, and can be used to clear a house or your aura.

Paying psychics for protection.

I’m sure there are plenty of people and so called psychics that will tell you that you are under a curse or under attack, and they will happily remove it… for a price.  Beware of those people. They will happily milk you of your hard earned money without producing any real results.

Never pay anyone to protect you from a psychic attack or remove an evil spell from you!. Those who do it for money are unlikely to have the power to help in the first place and more likely than not, have not even picked up on if you really are under attack. It may be just a lucky guess!

I remember once I visited L.A. and out of interest, I visited this psychic lady who advertised on the street. She told me people at work were plotting against me, and if I had faith and trust in her, we could work together and overcome it. I nodded in agreement while thinking, if she’s that good, you’d think she’d know I’m only here for the day. She was clearly a con artist trying to draw me in by methods of fear. In all probability, the work place will contain people who give you trouble so it’s a high chance of success of them guessing right.

Even if they are genuine, I believe that it’s not actually the money that reduces your vibrations or ability to heal, but your intentions and ego. If your intention is to make money, then so shall it be, but normally at the cost of your ability to heal. If your intention is to heal, then so you shall, but you might not automatically make money. It very much depends on what your attitude is towards money. Is it something ‘bad’ or is it simply a tool to help get what you desire? (check your belief system on that subject.)

There are also psychics who are actually very good at what they do, but then, ego takes over, especially when they have great success to start with. They make the mistake of believing they are somehow better than others, and jealousy, and elitism may also come into play. They may also become vulnerable to negative entities, who then can mess with their results.

I don’t have a lot of good things to say about psychic healers. Yes, there are some out there which can indeed heal, and there are some out there who are very psychic and do have powers. My experience has been that despite their obvious powers, many of them forget they are just a channel for healing and ego and false humility sets in. Also be wary of those who call themselves ‘Master’. ‘Master is a term of separation and I believe a true Master will be humble and will not refer to himself as such, or let others call him that title.

The same goes for those who are self-proclaimed prophets. (And yet, seem to have turned that into a business.)


There is a school of thought (which I subscribe to) that says that nothing can happen to us unless we agree to participate on some level. If you believe in this, then this means that you have agreed to the attack. The reasons why may be as simple as that these attacks make your stronger, help you to experience who you are and to grow as a person and soul.

More importantly, they can help reveal your weak points, and lead you down paths that you would never have gone down without those attacks.

I know, I certainly wouldn’t be where I am if my life had been attack free.

Psychic attacks can be a real pain, and can really bring a life to a complete stop, and perhaps even destroy it. Never give into the temptation to fight back, and try and avoid being a victim, as that just adds to the problems.

Remember, there are many ways to deal with them that are gentle and safe.

Ask for help. It will come. And when it does, make sure you listen, and take it. 

Empath Series – Psychic attacks – Other ways to protect yourself or how new age of you.

Anahata chakra symbolizes the consciousness of...

There are a number of ways you can balk psychic attacks, though they have varying success rates.


Bach Flower Remedies:

For stopping psychic attacks, this is my one stop shop. If you can identify where the attack is targeting, then taking the appropriate remedy will stop it.

The usual culprits are guilt, self-doubt, known fears, lack of faith, being overwhelmed, and, I guess, any of the 38 states of being.

Details on this will be covered at a future date or you can check out details on my website www.psi-zone.net


It is claimed that crystals can help ward of attacks. I don’t know much about them, as it goes, but I did try using them at one point. I did not seem to gain any benefits.

I think they need to be awakened, and attuned to you in order for them to work.

Here are some crystals that are said to aid you against psychic attacks.

Carrollite: This mineral can be useful for providing grounding of each chakras; it can also facilitate the closure of the chakras, allowing for protection of the self against psychic attacks.

Chlorite: Forms of chlorite have been used with amethyst to remove unwanted energy implants; the presence of chlorite and amethyst within ones energy field has also successfully protected against both energy implants and psychic attack.

Limonite: It provides for the strength and virility of youth, enhancing the substance of ones character and providing an ‘iron hat’ for protection against detrimental thoughts, impaired clarity, and psychic attacks. It also furthers accuracy in the intuitive processes.

Ruby: It is an excellent shielding stone, protecting on all levels and safeguarding ones consciousness from psychic attack.

If you use the stones, remember to awaken, energize and connect with them.

Creating a white, luminous five pointed star. 

This star should have a point corresponding to your head, both hands and both feet. You should mentally draw it. It is said that once you are inside a five pointed star, nothing but nothing can touch you that is bad as it is an elemental of protection.

The reason it should work is that we are able to create elemental forms or thought forms just be thinking about them. Thoughts are real energy and whatever you think will add to a pool of energy. By creating these things in your mind, you really are creating something that will protect you. The more you do it, the stronger it will become.

It’s really important to note that the key to any type of shielding, including white light auras, is to create the shield with thoughts of love, peace, compassion and blessing.

This will repel anything that is unlike that energy. Keep fear and anger, etc, out of your thoughts. It will not aid you.

There is, however, a stream of thought that by creating a shield, you also attract the things that attack you. This is because you are setting intentions to be protected, so you, by default, call things to you to be protected against.

I, personally, try to drop shields, and just be the highest light I can, using who I am to try and heal what is around me.

Next: Should I pay for protection?

Empath Series – Psychic attacks – You can’t destroy fire with fire or I shall smite thee verily.

Image-1 (1)Many Light-workers consider themselves as spiritual warriors. They see the darkness, they spot the enemy, charge in with their shield and sword, strike it down, and the day is saved.

The enemy is vanquished by taking a stand and defeating the darkness, hopefully for good.

The day is saved and all is well.



In actual fact, attacking what we perceive to be evil, dark, and negative is possibly the worst thing you can do.

In fact, all you are doing is empowering and enabling those things.

It’s like fighting a fire by throwing fuel on it and then wondering why it’s growing stronger, rather than going out.

It is also the very opposite of what a Light-worker actually does and what they stand for.

You cannot change the energy of something by feeding it the same thing it feeds on. You have to introduce something else.

As mentioned, I spent a good part of my life under psychic attacks, and up to the age of 20, I was fighting a daily, but losing battle.

At the time, it didn’t really occur to me that this wasn’t normal. It was just something I just had to put up with in my everyday life.

I’ve faced down a lot of attacks over the years, but this type of attack was different to the ones that came later.

It’s hard to describe what it was like. Best I can do was that it was an overwhelming, clawing sensation in my mind. The pain was more mental and psychic, than physical, but it was there, it was strong, and it was unmistakable. I felt that if I gave in, I would lose myself, or possibly go mad. (It was only many, many years later that I understood what was actually going on there.)

I didn’t tell many people about it, but those I did pretty much told me that it was the devil trying to take my soul, and that I needed to resist and ask God for help.

It was actually pretty useless advice, because it only helped in the moment, and the moment I took my focus away from asking for help, the attacks would return just as strong.

But I had nothing else to go on. There was no information out there, and even those who were supposed to be psychic and knowledgeable were completely clueless.

So for many years, I was determined to beat old Satan, and I would ceaseless fight him, and attack back, while avoiding any references to his name, lest it draw him and give him power.

Needless to say, the battle did not go well.

It was a silent, private, daily battle that I was surely losing. Yet the thought of giving in or even losing was, to me, unthinkable.

Each day, little by little, the attack would become stronger and I knew something would have to give, though I did not know what would happen to me if I gave in.

Then, one day, in 1984, I was at lunch when I suddenly found myself reasoning that I had spent years fighting this thing, with no success, and it appeared that my hate and anger was making it stronger.  If that was the case, then maybe sending it love and peace would help.

So I sent out a message that whatever was attacking me could join me, as long as it was in  in peace and harmony. I also sent it thoughts of love instead of anger.

It was in that instant, the attacks ceased completely. It was as though someone had flicked a switch. They say that what you resist persists, and what you make your own disappears, and this was certainly the case here.

My life changed from that day onwards.

The biggest lesson, which I carry with me to this day, was that the only way to overcome such attacks is to not engage them and be of a higher and loving energy.

Bless them, send them love and light. Give them peaceful thoughts. Be compassionate because those who are attacking know not what they do.

Over the years, I’ve come across many attacks: Some on me and some on others. The ones on me have been more a nuisance factor than any series danger or problem. I’ve always come out of it better and stronger for it. (Though, to be fair, there were some close calls, but the answer was always given to me on how to overcome them, which may not have been the case if I had just attacked back.)

What has amazed me is that nearly every time I come across someone under attack, their method of dealing with it is to attack back, and with as much hatred and force as they can muster. They also tend to pull the ‘victim / poor me’ card, which also doesn’t help anything.

Psychic attacks do happen, and there are a number of ways to counter them, but never, EVER, attack back. Never give the source any more energy to attack you with.

Next: Other methods of protection.

Empath Series – Psychic attacks – Serendipity or cutting the mustard.

BFR MustardAs I’ve mentioned, I’ve spent much of my life under attack. There have been various reasons, which I won’t get into here, but most I have overcome, especially once I’ve tracked the source.

But for whatever reason, I’ve been under pretty strong attacks from 2009 to 2013.

My internet circle has a good deal of psychic people in it, and I’ve a couple who are dedicated to keeping me safe and as it goes, they do an excellent job of it.

However, for the first four months in 2013, the attacks had grown stronger and my exhaustion was to the point where I knew something had to shift if I was going to continue.

Whenever I’m under such attacks, my partner feels it, and she will give me the space to deal with it. Also, the more I am affected, the more of a headache she gets. I’m grateful I have someone in my life that not only understands and accepts me, but knows what to do in order to help and guide me.

As usual, when I’m feeling depression, I take the Bach Flower Remedies, and use the ones that I feel will bring some relief.

They do help, but unless you hit the cause of the feelings, the relief is only temporary.  (which is one the main reasons I say they are not a placebo.)

I’m pretty excellent with the remedies, and I can tell you which remedy does what, but there has always been a couple that eluded me on what they did exactly.  So I never took them.

The problem with the remedies is that while they are amazing, and do work, not everything is known about them, and I believe that many of the discoveries I’ve made in regards to them were made first by me.

Mustard happens to be one of those remedies that I really never understood. Its official use is for deep gloom of unknown origins. However, several remedies also deal with such things. My guide did mention it was to protect against areas of negative energies, but I never looked into it much further than that.

In April 2013, I had finally reached the point where I was fed up with feeling drained, depressed and full of doubt.

I decided to pick up Mimulus (for known fears) when I accidentally picked up Mustard instead. (They are next to each other.)

As I picked it up, I thought: Well why not?

I took two drops directly on my tongue, and felt an immediate lightening of my moods and fatigue. The remedy also tingled like crazy. (The more you need the remedy, the more it will tingle.)

I walked up to my partner and asked her if she sensed any change in me. She said she felt a lightening of her headache.

I took some more and noticed something shift in my body. It was as though some seed or hook was removed (which may have been a hitch-hiker). A minute later, my partner said the headache was gone.

As mentioned, Mustard is said to be the remedy for gloom. I’ve looked it up, but there is not much that elaborates on that.

I feel pretty safe in saying that Mustard is the remedy to stop psychic attacks and coupled with Walnut (the link breaker), it is quite potent.

My exhaustion lifted that night, and has not returned. I’ve felt confident, strong and full of light.

I also feel pretty safe in saying that this is a really important discovery for Empaths as they are very vulnerable to such attacks, especially those who class themselves as Light-workers.

Next: Other ways to protect yourself.

Empath Series – Psychic attacks – Signs of my own attack or I really should consider another gig.

sad facePsychic attacks: Attacks by either people, or entities. Do they really exist?

For those who haven’t actually experienced them, I would not blame you for thinking that I’ve been watching too many horror movies. (I actually don’t enjoy watching them so I don’t.)

But until you’ve been under one, and then identified it as such, and then found a way to block it, it’s hard to even fathom that such a thing can exist, or be real.

Having said that: Like psychic attacks, Empaths are real, and they fall into the same type of category.

Personally, I’ve a very long history in regards to psychic attacks. I’ve had experts try to take me out, and yes, I know how deluded that sounds. (Mind you, those same experts will certainly verify what I just said; especially one I know reads this blog.)

To go into that story would take a book, and it’s not relevant to this particular blog. Suffice to say, I have plenty of experience in regards to such things, and what to do, and how to counter it. I’ve also done some curse breaking, though that is often a tricky business.

The past three years of my life have had their fair share of attacks on me. (Or moments of opportunity, as I prefer to call them, but then no one would know what the heck I was talking about.)

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve experienced most types of depression, and while I can’t say I enjoyed any of it, it did give me deep insights into the causes, and what I needed to do to heal from it.

People might wonder, though, do I still get depressed?

The answer is, yes, I do, and it is exhausting. Life and being an Empath will do that to you. I also can come out of it just as quickly, especially as I know what I need to do.

However, there was one type of depression I was not having any luck with these past years, and that was a sense of hopelessness, coupled with spiritual and mental exhaustion.

I experienced the following signs: (as detailed in the previous entries.)

  • Things going wrong in clumps.

This means that too many things went wrong, including things that should not go wrong, or were dumped into my lap and made my problem, all at the same time. Too many things that would be against the law of probability. Then suddenly it clears… until the next time.

On a side note, the number triple six always comes up several times in a row just before such events occur. It has been doing that for around 25 years. And no, I am not religious or follow The Bible.

  • Thoughts being whispered into my mind.

These are more like negative feelings, such as: What is the point? Your partner will leave you. You’re not making a difference. And similar wonderful things being sent to my mind. At its worst, (and I’ve had this happen back in 1993), the thoughts try to convince me that everyone would be better off without me, and I should just throw myself under a train. A case is built that sounds reasonable, seductive and a poor me / victim mode kicks in where I sit there stewing and feeling sorry for myself.

Still, I’m a stubborn and tenacious bastard, so I don’t

  • Feeling drained and exhausted all the time.

This is actually the worst one. When my fatigue level gets too high, and I don’t get enough sleep, I will start to go into meltdown mode and even if I do get enough sleep, I can feel a distinct drain on my energy, as though the life and optimism is being sucked right out of me.

That was the one I struggled with on a constant basis for the past three years and it’s also something that many people describe when they are feeling depressed.

  • Interruptions whenever I was working on a project or something that I am doing to help others.

I was reminded of this one because that’s exactly what just happened. Someone will draw my attention away from what I’m doing, thereby delaying or stopping my stream of thought. This particular series seems to have had it come up a number of times now.

  • Seeing darkness or fog around me, or others.

If I stare from my third eye (the area above your eyes), I will sometimes see the room around me dim, or even fade to black.

If I use the same technique on someone who is under attack, their face will literally become hidden behind a black cloud. Until you see such a thing, it’s hard to imagine it. Still, I know I’m not the only one who has observed this.

My ex-partner, back in 2000 saw the exact same thing around her daughter’s face. What was interesting was that I did not mention that I had seen it, too.

Her daughter was under an attack, and cleared it by sending light to the darkness.

I’ve observed this quite a number of times, and every time I send light to that person, they will, without fail, suddenly get up a few minutes later, feeling much chipper and much better.

If the room goes dark, it’s generally because something negative is there.

Recently, while I was at work, I started seeing a white fog before my eyes. That was a new one. It didn’t feel good, though.

  • Sighing a lot and feeling a sense of despondence.

I would get this a lot, especially when I’m working on something like this. It’s a feeling that something does not want me to complete a project. At its worst, I get a sense of hopelessness, and it’s very difficult to fight it.

The thing about psychic attacks are that they attack you are your weakest point. They will home in on your guilt, your doubts, your fears and anything else that you have not resolved.

That is why I call them opportunities, because they reveal what your weaknesses are and allow you to deal with them.

Next: Mustard – the wondrous remedy against attacks.

Empath Series – Psychic attacks. Even more types or now I know what those levels mean.

Psychic attackTypes of psychic attacks – Part 2

Continuing on from part one, these are the rest of the types of attacks you may experience, especially as an Empath or Light-worker. 

Psychic attacks come in many forms and many ways. While not everything is an attack, it’s worth bearing in mind that if you are feeling depressed, drained, and all joy has been removed from your being that it might well be the reason why you feel this way.

  • Circumstantial Timing attack. (High level)

Events happen that seem contrived and unlikely to occur at the point of time. Murphy’s Law sums it up with: If anything can go wrong, it will at the worst possible time.

However, some things that go wrong are things that aren’t even connected to you, but circumstances make it so.

This occurs when you are trying to focus on something which is very important, or when you’ve got a dead line to meet.

As mentioned, I was under severe psychic attack for the most part of my first 40 years, and towards the end, I was doing everything I could to discover the source and end them. I noticed that every time I spoke to someone who could help me (generally online), things would happen which would demand my immediate attention. I would deal with the issue, and something else would immediately turn up. They were things that weren’t my responsibility; however they were thrown into my lap.

Resolving those attacks eventually led to a final show down, which included seven other people helping me.

Circumstantial timing attacks are not only very frustration, but are also high stress and high pressure.

  • Balking attack (Medium level)

Stops certain things, events from happening or people from doing things. This may be an agreement you’ve made that you need to be carried out or something that will impact negatively upon you.

One recent example that came to mind was in 2012, when I was moving in with my partner. We found the perfect house, in the perfect location, and with great landlords, who were going to be away for two years, which was the exact amount of time we were looking at for leasing.

My partner said: This is our house the moment she saw it, and it all fell into place. Then, at the last moment, the circumstances changed, and suddenly the land lord was only going to be away for six months.

My partner, to this day, is adamant that someone pulled some serious strings to screw this up for us. I happen to agree.

  • Direct attack (Medium level)

A physical manifestation of some kind such as noises or things disappearing or moving. I don’t experience those ones all that much, but they are used to either spook or freak out people. Normally used by entities. As it takes a lot to scare me, I rarely experience them. (Though, remember, objects disappearing can be also attributed to shifting timelines.)

  • Residue attacks (Low level) 

These are like psychic time bombs. The attacker leaves elemental though-forms will affect people who are in its immediate presence. Often a sensitive can detect it as a tingling or an uncomfortable feeling. It may keep people away or even put them into a bad mood for no apparent reason.

  • Planting seeds of doubt (low level)

This is a very common attack. In fact, I’d say one of the most common as many are subject to it. They feel or hear voices in their head that are depressingly seductive and negative, often trying to convince the subject that they are a bad person and the world would be better off without them.

It is possible that more than one method might be used and that you could be attacked on all levels at once.

Still unsure what the low, medium and high meant, I decided to ask my guide.

Details noted below:

What are the levels? What do they mean?

You there?

Yes, what do you mean?

I mean the psychic attacks. They say low level, medium level and high level. What does that mean?

They refer to the energy involved in making the attacks occur. Some take more energy and time than others. High level indicates a lot of energy while low level indicates that a minimum of energy is required.

So they don’t have anything to do with astral levels?

No. Astral levels simply are places where they come from. Also, the higher an attack, the more expertise needed to make it happen. While low level might be deceptive in the way it’s named, it is still considered the basic attack which can be done by most.

Now we know the basics of those types of attacks, though no doubt there are more types. We’ll be looking at how to deal with them for the next entries.

Next: Details on my own recent psychic attacks.Â