Paranormal series: Science or fiction or just the facts, ma’am.

Back before the net, it was a lot harder to know what was fact and what was fiction.

For instance, if you went to a health food shop and they told you that the herb Echinacea helped your immune system, you would accept that as a fact.

You really didn’t have many ways to verify that it was true and really, if someone who was in the business of knowing such thing told you this, why would you doubt them? That was their job after all.

I did look up such things in herbal books that were in the metaphysical bookshops, however, they give the same information, so it appeared to validate what I was told.

Trouble is, many things are told to us based on vague or apocryphal information.

It took me years to realize that Echinacea did nothing for me, and it was the vitamin C in the complex that was actually helping and the claim that it helped ended up being based on very shaky evidence.

It does seem that once people believe something, they are very reluctant to change that belief, even in the face of new or overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Long term readers of mine might know that I used to be an avid follower of Tuesday Lobsang Rampa. Many things felt right and made sense to me, and the rest I would just accept on faith. However, it was the rest that, while clearly wrong, seems to be ignored by his followers.

For instance, he made a lot of predictions about world events that should have occurred by now. From my observations, none of them have actually happened, but that doesn’t seem to bother his fan base, who just seems to completely ignore such things and never call them into question.

Any suggestions that he might be wrong are ignored or met with hostility.

This is generally typical of people who choose to believe in something but refuse to look at any inconsistencies critically.

The question is: Why?

When something is so clearly shown to be wrong, why aren’t people calling such thing into question? When something has inherent contradictions in the philosophy (and I’m looking at many cults, faiths and religions here) why do we resist looking at it or dismiss them as not important?

Just because some parts are wrong, it doesn’t mean it’s all wrong. And just because some parts are right, it doesn’t mean it’s all right.

We stymie our own growth and give our power away to others by refusing to think critically about everything.

You might say, I’m a researcher for the truth, and I use the word ‘truth’ very loosely here because the more I look, the more I see that there are no hard and fast rules, but there are come consistent universal laws that seem to apply to everything.

When I write about something, I write about my own observations and experiences. I’ve always done this, though I have been just as guilty of being dogmatic about a particular belief system, even if there were some blatant inconsistencies there.

Now, I know this type of talk might seem weird or even hypocritical coming from me, as I have written about belief systems, astral levels, alternative time-lines and many other unprovable subjects.

However, I do try and come from a place of observation and research and try to find other alternative explanations.

Next: Adapting to new evidence. 

Paranormal series: Being a skeptic or let me just ignore that fact.

Image-1There’s a balance to being Empath who has psychic experiences and yet tries to be remain objective to what is going on.

To say that I’ve had more than my share of interesting experiences would not be an exaggeration. To say that many of these could not be explained away somehow would also be correct.

Some of them can’t. Some things that happened would require either a shared delusion, or timing and circumstances so contrives that it would make the most blatant Hollywood blockbuster script look disjointed by comparison.

I suppose it would be easy to ignore everything that doesn’t fit, but I also feel that would be doing myself a great disservice.

For instance, if someone tells me about having the same types of experiences as me, I need to consider if they had them before they met me or read any of my works, or if they arrived at the same types of conclusions independently.

Fact is: We, as humans, have a tendency to make stuff up, or change the facts ever so slightly to make it fit our stories.

I noticed this in my mother from a young age. She would adapt her stories and just put a small little twist into things to completely change the meaning.

She would tell you about her own psychic experiences, but only after she got your version. Then, mysteriously, it would match.

Or she would have the answers to puzzles that she claimed she already knew, but only after she was told the answers.

I never called her on these things, and really, I didn’t see the point to doing so, but it did make me very much aware of just how easy it was to make something into whatever you wanted it to be.

I do a lot of research and listen to sceptical podcasts because I learn a lot from them. (Plus, I find their observations hysterical at times because they are true.)

Problem is that it’s at the other extreme of the spectrum.

Where the true believer seems to accept everything they are told, the sceptic seems to refute anything they are told.

There just doesn’t seem to be a balance.

We need to be able to think critically about things. If something doesn’t seem to fit, look closer at it. It may not appear to fit because it does not fit.

Next: Fact or Fiction.

Thought of the moment – The radiant light of the soul

A powerful light shines in the dark.

Short one today.

I felt a pull to post this quote because I feel someone needs to read it.

The light of our being.

It is a problem that much of the human race has.

They have reduced their light by denying it.

Some do it because they do not believe in it.

Some do it out of fear and many do it because they believe that it is arrogant to believe themselves to be amazing beings of light with the creative energy of God.

Arrogance is believing you have the answers when you do not.

Being a being of love is not arrogance, but an expression of who we really are.

The expression of love and the showing of our light is where we should be headed.

The acknowledgement of our oneness and our connection with the all is where true healing will take place.

We are reaching a time where more and more will know this to be true. Over time, it will manifest as a reality. 

Guest blog: Soul calls by Heather from Intuitive Blessings.

DSCN1066-001I get a lot of questions about soul calls. Very many people seem to get them, however there is still so little information about them, including other people’s experiences.

So, in order to get more information out there, I’ve asked Heather from to share one of her stories.

Thank you Heather for taking the time to share this.

My experiences with Soul Calls are that I never purposefully go looking for them, they just find me. I feel a strong attraction to a person and begin to feel things about them to the point of it becoming an obsession!  I feel like I am being guided by a higher power to take action. My human ego self wants to run, but some unexplainable force compels me to stay. I have looked back over letters I have sent to complete strangers and think to myself, “I wrote that?!?!” “That doesn’t even sound like something I would say!” When I read your post on Soul Calls I could totally relate! I have always called them S.O.S calls 

One recent call had a tremendous impact on me due to the validation and appreciation I received in return. I order lunch meat at the local supermarket every week. One day I happened to really look at Mr. Deli Guy and without consciously doing so, I began to “feel…empath…read” (whatever you call it) him and instantly felt his energy. I don’t understand how or why this happens. I don’t understand how or why certain people seem to send out an S.O.S and without fail, I intuitively answer. Before I know it or can stop it, I am instantly attached to a stranger on an intimate level of “knowing” things I shouldn’t know about someone I only order turkey from! Suddenly, this man I have never paid any mind to has fully been brought into my awareness.

I could not get deli guy out of my head. His eyes hid a pain only I could see. I could feel his hurt, his disappointment, his loneliness. Thoughts came into my head like, “He is probably divorced, I think he might use alcohol to numb his pain, I feel like he is genuinely a good person but he can’t see it.”  All of these thoughts and feelings I was experiencing without any exchange of words.  Was I nuts? Was I imagining things? Why do I do this? What the hell is wrong with me?!?! Just like I have done in years past, I dismissed it and tried to get deli guy out of my head!

Weeks pass, and on my visit deli guy who I never have talked to, sees me and suddenly comes out from behind the counter and starts literally vomiting all this info. He explained to me that a few years ago, he had been laid off from a highly regarded aeronautics company. He had been an engineer there.  He then proceeded to explain how he went from being an engineer to a deli guy. I was so taken aback by his disclosure, I don’t even remember what my response was, but I remember how I felt. My heart ached, I knew exactly why he was telling all of this to me – he feared judgment, he had no self confidence, he felt like a failure.

I left without really responding to deli guy because I was so taken aback by the encounter. Losing his job must have taken away a huge part of himself along with it. There was so much I wanted to tell him but that is not something one tells to a complete stranger!!! Well, as hard as I fought NOT telling him those things, that unexplainable pull would not go away. I was completely out of my comfort zone. I don’t do this kind of thing. I don’t even know this man, yet I intimately know so much. It’s maddening.

More weeks passed and then I couldn’t stand it any longer so I ap

proached him… “Deli guy, remember that day when you told me about losing your job? Well, something has really been bothering me and I just felt like I should tell you. I want you to know that you are more than your job. I don’t judge you for where you work and neither should anyone else.” His face softened and he proceeded to tell me how he used to go golfing every week with a group of buddies that don’t talk to him anymore. I acknowledged how incredibly hurtful and hard that must have been. No one should treat him like that and they were not real friends. People should love and respect him for who he is no matter what the job title. He hugged me and thanked me and I was on my way.

The next week when I went to the store, he literally sprang across the counter to greet me. “You will NEVER guess what happened after you talked to me that day… Remember the friends that deserted me after I was laid off? Two days after our conversation, one of my old buddies called me and asked me to go golfing! I hadn’t spoken to him in over 3 years!”  His eyes were filled with tears, “I don’t know who you are or how the planets aligned to make that happened, but you are like some “Cosmic angel” It touched me so deeply I can’t ever thank you enough!” He hugged me three times and kept wiping tears from his eyes. Little did he know, he wasn’t the only one who got a gift that day!

Paranormal series: Songs I’ve never heard before or name that tune!

New Gold Dream (81–82–83–84)

Have you ever heard a piece of music, knew it by heart, and yet it was the first time you ever heard it?

I know I have, but it always happened in dreams, or the period where I was between sleeping and waking.

The problem is, though, unless I somehow record it right away, it fades from my memory like gossamer strands on the breeze.

My earliest memory of such an occurrence was when I was around maybe 14 or so. I was just falling asleep, and I had this vision of both my parents standing on either side of me while I was playing the piano.

The tune was one I knew well, and yet I had never heard before… or since.

I woke up, and the memory, sadly, faded.

It is true that I used to play a piano when I was nine years old. Well, play isn’t the right word. I did it for a year, and I did not enjoy it, and it certainly wasn’t the high standard of the music I was playing in my vision.

Also around those years, I would hear music playing as I would drift off to sleep. Mostly it was instrumental, though not all the time. It was never music I knew, but I enjoyed hearing it.

It also was not from some other place outside my room. I could only hear it in my mind.

I would call it the music dimension, and I would often try to tune into it as I was falling asleep. I would succeed only some of the time, though.

That, too, eventually stopped. I think I just forgot to try and listen for it.

Another music dream occurred in 1983. It was one of those confused dreams, but someone said the following words to me: Brilliant days. And I replied: Wake up on brilliant days.

The weird thing was that I retained that memory.

I found out soon after that this was the line from a song called Someone, Somewhere in Summertime by Simple Minds, from their album New Gold Dream (81-82-83-84)

Maybe I had heard before that dream, as the album did come out in 82, even though I didn’t actually own it till later.

However, that particular song became extremely meaningful to me in 1984 (and is still meaningful even today with lines such as ‘Somewhere there is someplace that one million eyes can’t see and somewhere there is someone that can see what I can see’.)

It was just weird to have that line in my dream.

Another incident was when I went to sleep recording a classical piece of music to tape back in 83. I needed to get up around 3 am to drive to a holiday house, and I got some sleep in the area where I kept my music equipment.

Once recorded, the tape would reach its end, and automatically rewind.

When it was time for me to wake up, a very loud burst of music woke me up. I assumed that the recording had just ended, but when I checked, the tape had fully rewound so there was no way that could have occurred.

Another incident was a dream I had just before waking up. It was a very catchy disco song that I knew well in the dream, but when I awoke, I knew I had never heard it before. Sadly, that song faded right away.

I did not have anything more of that nature occur until more recently.

There were two separate dreams where I was dreaming of songs. They were also catchy, and I somehow knew them.

For both times, I was able to retain enough memory and sing it into a recorder. (Though, I honestly cannot sing to save my life.)

I remember both songs, and while they do not actually exist in this world that I’m aware of, they are very well formed and could actually even have hit potential. .

I also spoke of, in a previous blog, about hearing a song all night when I was nine years old, but the different was that I was not asleep for that incident, so I’m not sure it falls into the same category.

That is all I can recall in regards to such incidences. The only other thing I’ve had on the odd occasion was waking up to woman calling my name, even though I was alone in the house.

I think, each time, this occurred, there was a need for me to be up and awake.

I’ve heard of the Music of the Spheres, and while I am a little vague on what it actually is, I wonder if that is where music comes from, and what I was able to hear.

Has anyone else had such experiences?