Empaths: I know you’re weary

Being an Empath is a difficult thing.

It’s tiring. Sometimes you feel like you’re on the same path you were when you first began your journey: Retreading the same old grounds.

Sometimes it seems that no matter how much you do, no matter how much you try and no matter how much you strive to make a difference, it’s all futile.

Being an Empath can be challenging, exhausting and depressing.

We, as Empaths, have a tendency to take on the negative and overlook the positive.

Yes, we do get joy from the good we see and receive, but it’s short lived. It only takes one negative comment to pull us back down again.

Being an Empath is a path that can be both draining and wearying.

There are always others who try and tear you down and invalidate you. There are always those who seem to dismiss all the progress you’ve made, all the work you have done and all the sacrifices you make.

I know it’s hard. I know many are tired. I know they wish they were anywhere but here.

Even I wonder if it’s worth it at times. But I can’t give up. That is not an option. Even when the darkness is at its greatest, I will push on through because it’s all  I can do.

I owe it to myself.

And you owe it to yourselves.

Empaths, remember you are not alone. You may feel like you are, but I promise you, you are not.

I know you are weary, but our time is coming.

Sometimes you’re forced to take a break

Sometimes you are meant to have some downtime, but you don’t take it because something always seems to come up.

It’s like you’re rushing from one fire to the next.

I have just completed four weeks of leave, but I still wasn’t getting any real rest for three weeks of it.

E-mails keep coming in asking for help. People have questions. Situations in the chat room that call for attention and so on.

Seems that my higher self decided that if I wasn’t going to take a break, it would force me to take one. And it did.

Due to an infected finger, typing became very hard and painful. I was forced to minimize what I did at the computer.

For those wondering, this blog will resume in due course. In the meantime, remember, there’s always the chat room and 200+ other blogs to go through if you’ve not already seen them. 🙂

Empath Chat room – The room of synchronicity.



empathBefore I continue on with the current series (which will continue for a few months), I wanted to just to mention the Empath / Spiritual support chat room.

While its intention is for empath and spiritual support, it is, and always was intended as a place of synchronicity.

For those who don’t know what that is (and think it’s only the name of an old record by The Police), synchronicity is about meaningful coincidences that help you along your path.

It was a term first coined by Carl Jung and then made popular in the 1990s by The Celestine Prophecy written by James Redfield.

The interesting thing about synchronicity is that the more you focus on it, the more it happens, and the quicker you move along your chosen path.

Years ago, there used to be a chat room on the Celestine Vision website. Many people came and believed it was a spiritual chat room. It wasn’t. It was a room of synchronicity. Many people found what they were looking for there, and through it all, there were many dramas, turf wars, alliances, and connections of people that lead to long friendships.

I was a mod there for years, but saw the end before it came. I was prompted to create my own chat room, which was geared towards Empaths. Initially, I did this for a then friend, but she did not follow through. Regardless, I kept the payments up and eventually people started to come in and stay. (And one of the people I made a mod stayed in the room for nearly a year before it finally started to take off.)

Today, this chat room is alive and healthy, and receives very interesting visitors.

It’s a mix between dark and light, support and acceptance. People come there and find just what they need most of the time.

So if you’re looking for a place to connect to others, you are welcome to join this room.

It’s a simple interface. (Java based) No ads and need to register. You can if you wish, though.

The rules are simple. Be nice to each other and don’t invalidate another.

You can find the chat room at on my website here.


I am The Phoenix,  my autobiography, is now available on paperback at amazon.com.


Playing possum with my inner child.

possumIt is said that animals appearing in our lives are symbolic. They represent a message for us.

I never paid that much heed, but back in 1996, during a very intense period of growth, I had an incident occur that, to this day, still makes me smile.

I was on my way out for a drumming session that was run by a healing circle I was a part of back then.

Just before I left, a very strange incident occurred.

It was dark by the time I was ready to leave  and I went down to my computer room to pick up something.

This  room was underneath the house. It was separate and could be only entered from the outside. The door had a glass insert and curtains covering it.

As I went to unlock the door, I noticed that the curtains appeared to be moving, as if they were being blown by the wind. But I knew that was impossible as there was no source for a breeze.

I took a closer look, and my heart almost skipped a beat as I found myself staring at a small face. At first, I thought someone was in my room, and was acting in a deranged manner. But I stood my ground, and took out my pocket torch, and shone it onto the face. It turned out to be a possum! A baby one at that! But how one had found its way into my room, which was sealed up tight, was a real mystery.

I entered the room, and turned on the lights. I realised that I couldn’t remove it without it biting me, and I had no time to mess around. So I decided I would deal with it after I came back. So I left it clinging to my curtains.

When I got home, I went down to the computer room, and found that the possum had moved. I quickly found it snuggling next to my computer case! I could hardly believe it. It was resting just on my mouse cord, and looking as cute and as peaceful as it could. And even when I booted up my PC, and started typing away to my online friends, it didn’t move away.

I asked the people in the chat room what I should do. All I got was lots of laughter, and incredulous comments. They hardly believed me, and as webcams were not standard back then, I couldn’t show them either. After about half an hour, I realised that I couldn’t leave the possum where it was because I was afraid it might starve.  (I’m sure it wouldn’t have, but my logic at the time seemed to think that I couldn’t leave it there in any case.)

It was still resting against the case, and I knew I had to free it. So, I emptied a tissue box, put my mouse mat underneath, and put the box on top. It hardly resisted! I quickly took it outside and set it free.

The message of the possum was lost on me until a few days later where I experienced a rebirth of sorts and found that my inner child had been not only repressed, but crippled.

I was told later that the possum was said to be a representation of my inner child and me freeing it was what happened a few days later.

When I did break down the walls the encased it, it was life changing. It was as though my entire being experienced a rebirth.

People often see animals in their lives. Some are common, others tend to be rare. It’s those rare ones that should make you sit up and take note. What is the message? What are they trying to tell you?

Remember, nothing is random.