Creating your reality series: – What is Attunement? Part three – Opportunities

The process of attunement part three

Naturally, there are some situations where you literally can’t do anything about. You might just put that down to luck.

For instance, If you are walking and find a twenty dollar note, you can’t exactly do much to locate the owner. (Unless they return looking for it, in which case, you will have to make the decision whether you will be honest or not.)

But generally, you have a choice to leave it there or take it. If you leave it there, someone else will claim it and odds are that it won’t be the owner. What you do is up to you, but there are things that are out of your control.

Every choice we make sends a creative message. What you sow, you reap. What your intentions are will be what you will end up experiencing.

I do find it interesting is that many people always choose what benefits them personally at the expense of another for strictly short term gains.

They exploit, cheat, scam, rip other people off and generally choose to swindle them. Maybe they justify this to themselves by saying that everyone else is doing it and there isn’t any reason why they shouldn’t get a piece of the action.

Also, in my experience, bizarrely enough, when you say to someone: I trust you to do the right thing by me, most people will take this as permission to do the wrong thing by you. They will take this as a message to exploit and cheat you in any way they can.

This brings me to something I’ve come to realize in recent years. When someone decides to take advantage of you, there is a chance that you are there to give them the opportunity to do the right thing and help attune themselves to a reality more in line with their own desires.

You are giving them a gift. They can choose to do the right thing by you (even though it may appear to them that they will lose out by doing so) or they can choose to put their own interests first and pass up the opportunity for long term gains.

Most seem to always choose the latter. Sure they might gain right now, but we all must reap what we sow.

In any case, every time a situation comes up, they make a choice that will create the reality they will eventually find themselves in and never once do they seem to realize that their life is full of unpleasantness because of the decisions that they made.

We encourage these types of behaviours by validating that it’s not their fault how bad their life is and even making them out to be heroes who are battling against the odds.

And that’s fine. As long as it’s what you want. Most, however, do not wish this.

I’ve a friend who goes by a rule he called the 60/40 rule. When there is doubt on how much is owed, give more than you think, that way you have covered yourself. I’ve always considered this to be a wise idea.

Very importantly, what you do affects how the astral levels interact with you. The lower you make your personal vibrations, and the more you attune yourself to lower levels, the more likely you will be to attract the attention of negative entities who may be opportunistic.

Remember, they don’t play by our rules. To them, you are just someone who they can use in the way they see fit.  (Hence the Hidden Astral World series to make others aware.)

So, what choices are you making? Personally, I’m not here to tell you what to do. It doesn’t matter to me what you choose, though it would be wonderful if you choose what is right for you.

I put this information out there for people to ponder, and maybe even decide if they will apply it or not. Most will decide I’m full of it, and that’s fine. I’m not here to live their lives or take responsibility for it.

Next Thursday: Some of my thoughts on Omen’s blogs.

Introducing the Empath Support Community Site.

ESCFor a while now, I’ve been thinking about creating an empath community.

Yes, I know there are already some out there, but they seem restrictive and having had my membership terminated on one of those communities (why, I’ve not real idea. Maybe they didn’t like the odd blog entry I put there) I felt it was time to give people a place where they can be themselves.

The problem I have observed with other communities is that they are controlling. They will demand people act in a certain way and if you fall out of line, you will be kicked.

I’ve also mentioned this to be the case with chat rooms.

Personally, I don’t see how one can create anything worthwhile and long-lasting if there are so many rules and restrictions in place.

With this in mind, I finally felt it was time to consolidate all the empath resources I have created on the web and centralize it into a one stop shop that people can join, connect and share their own thoughts, ideas and concerns.

For all those Empaths, Highly sensitive people and psychics who are looking for a place to be, the Empath Support and Community site may be for you.

There you will find the chat room, this blog, my empath website, groups, forums, and the ability to create your own profile, befriend others and blog what’s on your mind.

As with the chat room, all you need do is remain courteous and not attack another and you are welcome.

This is an open group and all you need is a valid e-mail address to join.

You can find the ESC at (the blog will be at until domain mapping have been worked out.)

The hidden astral world series – Ghosts – The how-to process – Part 1

The following series of blogs will contain some very disturbing and, for many, frightening information. I find myself in the unique situation of being able to pass on uncommon knowledge.  This is Empath Unfriendly information. Meaning, it may well cause fear and discomfort on an empathic and psychic level.

You might ask, why am I putting this information on an Empath support site? The answer is simple: Many empaths experience demonic attacks and have no clue what they are or their origins. Ignorance does not help. Understanding does. Know what is happening. What you are up against, and always come from a place of unconditional love and trust your feelings when you feel you are heading into danger.

If you feel this information will help others, let them know.

The following is written by a being we refer to as Omen. If you have not read the below blogs first, I highly recommend you do for the background to this.

1 The hidden astral world series – The evolving story.

2 The hidden astral world series – The seeds of doubt

3  The hidden astral world series – Omen

4 A letter of introduction by Omen

Following on from Omen’s excellent description on what a ghost is, we look at the what to do when you pass over.


The how-to ghost process (based on my observations)

Finish dying and cross over

Even when the body is clinically dead your consciousness is still attached to it, the brain takes longer than the body to fade and as long as there is still oxygen in the brain it will keep operating up until it’s all used up and after that point your consciousness becomes dormant overall. The ‘cross over’ of data from physical to mental to metaphysical takes hours, you don’t regain awareness until it’s complete. During this time you can and do dream, these dreams are often called the ‘last sleep’ as from that point onward you will not be capable or reaching that mode of awareness again. Dreaming only occurs when there is a distinction between awake and asleep, and as a ghost you will not have such a thing.

Wake up and smell the roses

When you do ‘wake up’ this will be in your body’s vicinity, but you will be separate to it. Depending on the physical conditions you might be able to wander about your own funeral or you might mistakenly think you’ve been buried alive. Your senses will seem no different to how they were when you were alive, you may even ‘breathe’ and have other bodily urges that actually are redundant now. Yes breathing is optional, what a concept. At this point you’ll likely think your still having some weird dream and will not realize you are actually dead.

The realization of being dead can take any amount of time to happen, but generally speaking when you try to see your shadow, your reflection or when you try to interact with anything that is the first tip off to the fact that you’re not in Kansas anymore. Of course, being idiotic most don’t even take that for what it is, instead they often find other ghosts and affiliate with them and enable each other’s denial that their life as they know it is over. Avoiding the truth seems to be a talent of humans both dead and alive.

Time to not forget what just happened

Once you somehow realize you are dead and even if you are in denial of it and trying to convince yourself otherwise, you will get ‘flashbacks’ of your lifetime in the same way living people react to post traumatic stress. Of course it is not always traumatic, it can be wonderful if it is good memories, but my point here is that during these times you are entirely divorced from any reality. You retreat into your mind and work through every morsel of unprocessed data of your life, you try to process it and make sense of it as best you can and come to terms with what matters and what doesn’t. You are reviewing everything.

Next Monday: Part 2