Bach Flower Remedies Suicide prevention mix

Thanks to Anneli Rufus

If you’re having suicidal thoughts, this is for you.

Suicidal tendencies can make life hell for all concerned. The emotional pain that one experiences is so intense that, unless you are actually experiencing it, you are not likely to understand just how serious it is.

If you are still talking about suicide, it means you’ve not got to the point where you have fatalistically made up your mind.

If you aren’t, and are close to working out the details, this is where you need to take note.

Those tormenting thoughts you are hearing in your mind, the ones telling you that you’re not worthy… The ones telling you that everyone would be better off without you…

Those visions you are getting of throwing yourself off a bridge, under a train or something similar… 

Those thoughts are not yours. 

They are coming from outside influences. They are coming from what one would class as either demonic beings or negative energies.

You might be targeted because you have a job to do that might help make the world a brighter place or it will benefit someone or something to have you removed.

But take it from me, those are not your thoughts. They are psychic attacks.

Even if you know better, you can still be very vulnerable to such influences. Especially if you’re carrying guilt, doubt or feel like you’re letting other people down.

I know what it’s like because I’ve been there and it’s hard. Very, very hard.

Bach Flower Mix

Help is at hand, though. I’ve found that a certain mix of Bach Flower Remedies can turn it all around.

White Chestnut: â€“ This one is vital. This is the remedy for those tormenting thoughts that you can’t turn off.  It helps prevent and stop suicidal thoughts â€“ Especially those that are playing on your fears and self-worth. In essence, it blocks those negative beings.

Cherry Plum: â€“ For those who are prone to uncontrolled actions and compulsions. Traditionally the remedy for letting go of what you are bottling up inside of you.

Willow: â€“ Those on the edge are often in a victim mode.  They might feel bitter, resentful or simply feel that their situation is not fair, and no one is able to understand them. Willow is critical to stopping those feelings.

Pine: – Many who carry massive guilt can barely bear it. The pain can be so intense, and the feeling they should remove themselves from others, and life, is overwhelming. This remedy stops the guilt. There is a high chance that those who carry guilt don’t even know that they do. All they will experience is this unending emotional pain that they can’t seem to place.

Gorse: â€“ When all feels hopeless, and you don’t believe that anything is going to make a difference. This remedy restores hope.

Gentian: – The remedy for faith. The comforter. Taking it in a crisis will bring reassurance that everything will work out in the end.

Larch: â€“ For those who suffer from a lack of self-esteem.  It’s the remedy for when you simply do not feel worthy of being here or of other’s love.

Agrimony: – When one tries to suppress their fears and concerns, and hide them, even from themselves, it can produce great anxiety. Agrimony will assist in releasing those feelings and stopping that anxiety.

Important Information

It’s important to note that you will get the best results by taking each remedy individually. If you mix them together, it will dilute their healing power.

You also need to take them frequently.  I will take them every 30 seconds until relief is obtained. (For me, I find relief comes after two to five minutes).

It’s also important to understand that these remedies are vibrational in nature and hence, they do not interfere or react with any other medication you may be taking. They are safe, nontoxic, non-addictive, gentle and effective.

I don’t sell these remedies myself as I consider it a conflict of interest. I do recommend the HealingHerb brand as they are cheap, made to exact specifications and are potent.

You can find Bach Flower Remedies online. My personal source has been a shop called Skylark Books, that is in the United Kingdom. I’ve ordered from them, regardless of if I was in Australia, Canada or the U.S.A.

If you know someone who might benefit from this information, please pass it on. You might just save a life.