The following blog is a 8 part series on on Spirit Guides, my experiences, and what you might do in order to contact your own.
It’s become clear to me that I’ve already had guides and even early memories fit into what I experiences later.
For instance, from the age of thirteen, I’ve always seen my guides dancing around me. In later years when I mentioned them to friends, they claim that they seem them dancing around them, too. When I did some research a few year back, I found that one interpretation of their name is ‘sky dancer’. As I had not mentioned dancing at all, I know it wasn’t a thought I planted in others.
Is it just pure coincidence that we see the same thing? From what I understand, guides aren’t generally associated with dancing, so there wouldn’t be any logical leap to see them as such.
When I’ve sent my guides to help others I have been amazed by the stories that were told to me.
While I’ve always had guides, I just didn’t acknowledge it until around 1995. I was quite stuck on the belief that I wasn’t worthy of them.
I can identify them by feeling and their energies, but giving them names is another matter. I don’t think you can really produce a meaningful name that truly reflects them, as they are more vibrational in nature, meaning that they are more a feeling than a word.
It always me scratch my head when people say their guides names are ‘Tom’ or ‘Fred’ or something equally banal. Maybe that’s true, but I think it’s more a convenience sake, so others can easily refer to them.
I know, that at least for one of my guides, I use the name is he commonly known by, though I doubt that’s his real one.
I appear to have several guides; some who seem to also serve as protectors. My partner calls them my Mafia guides, and it’s certainly is my experience that they don’t have a sense of humour about me being attacked without provocation. It is also true that their reputations, in cultures, are not as fluffy, fuzzy beings.
So far, I’ve identified the names of two of my guides. The first, I won’t yet mention, as I consider it to be controversial and the other I will discuss in my next blog.
Next: Discovering the Dakini Part 1.