Emotional & Psychic Support for Empaths Sensitive People.
My Promise – If you’re not happy, you don’t pay
Bach Flower Remedies Mixes
Psychic Support
Life Coaching
Energy Work and Blockages
Chakra Balancing and Restoration
Attachment Clearing
Emotional Support
Clearing Soul Contracts
And more…
Services at a reasonable price.
Hi, I’m Gary.
I’m an empath and highly skilled at connecting with people and helping them find what they need. I have a lifetime of experience and have treated people using Bach Flower Remedies for over thirty years.
I can help.
Unconditional not happy, don’t pay policy.
Need emotional support but don’t know if you can risk money on unhelpful advice?
I have an unconditional not happy, don’t pay policy.
I don’t want your money if you did not find our session helpful.
This way, we both sleep better at night.
I keep my prices reasonable by charging for my time, not my skills. (I will adjust for financial hardship.)
I charge a flat fee per session. They normally take around an hour.
Cost per session: USD90.00.
(Fees will rise from USD5.00 to USD95.00 as of July 1st, 2025. If you are a client before then, the previous fee will apply as a loyalty bonus.)
To book an appointment, please use the contact form or e-mail me at gary@empathsupport.com with the type of service you require.
I have a wide range of services and tools at my disposal.
Bach Flower Remedies
I am a master with Bach Flower Remedies. I have written two books on them and run a Facebook group with over ten thousand members.
They are my main tool for healing.
I don’t sell them as I consider that a conflict of interest, but I can recommend the best and cheapest places to buy them.
Bach Flower Remedies are amazing for emotional healing and cover the entire gauntlet of emotions.
They work.
Empath Support
You may be an empath and not even realize it. This subject is mainstream today, but I was writing about this subject before any information was on the World Wide Web.
I have also written a free book called The Empath Guidebook.
If you need support and understanding, I can help.
Psychic and Spiritual Support
If you are struggling on a psychic or spiritual level, seeking answers, or looking for the tools to take back your knowledge and power, I can help.
I’ve had an abundance of unique experiences that have opened me to many situations.
I am also a master in Universal Law, Soul Contracts, and dealing with unwanted entities or their attention. We are also skilled at dealing with curses, black magic, and psychic attacks. (And yes, they are a thing. You are not going crazy!)
I have a partner who compliments my skills, and together, we can resolve many issues.
We give no guarantees as such situations might be due to agreements and promises made long ago, but it’s risk-free. If we can’t help, we won’t charge.
The cost is double a standard consultation (USD180.00), but I promise you it’s vastly cheaper than others who claim they can do such things. This normally takes one session.
Scroll down for details.